Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Bravo Kilo Yankee.

sebab lama sangat tak come out with new post, sampai sendiri pun lupa her own blogspot url.

Everything is good. Jumpa macam2 orang, kenal macam2 perangai. At least there's drama innit.
Furthermore, semua agak curious ape yang jadi sebab bile lepak, soalan yang akan mereka kemukakan is, " Mashi..pecite ni.." Tapi takpe. macam mula2 cakap tadi, everything is good.

Sebab lama tak update, so let's recap;
In august, hati massively tak stabil. tapi dah ok. senior colleague is there to make hati ni up and running again. Obrigado. Next, ade waterfall picnic with colleagues. Amat lah best sebab in such a way waterfall tu ade slide mcm kat theme park, dengan air yg crystal like diamond, they did cook barbeque yang superb jugak. Ditch Prima 9, lets go to waterfall lagi!

Lepas tu, ramadhan. bulan yang suci where everything seems to be in order. I was in EU shift dan akan ke bazar putrajaya dengan tag team utk beli 5 orang punya berbuka puasa, dengan sampai2 kat kereta dah azan, dengan hujannye dengan same2 buka lambat. Totally dan absolutely lain dengan previous ramadhan. Tapi tetap happy :)

Aidilfitri came in september. good foods merata rata memang indah tak terkata..and open house memang perfecto. especially dengan yang best.

My new ride arrives in October, to be exact his birthday is on 5th Oct. Perfect, handsome new ride for me. Next post ade a shot of si handsome ni. lovedd.

..and maybe Nov, im moving to a new role.

Next nak brainstorm holiday nak pegi mane, maybe not Japan this year, sebab damaged agak banyak dekat account tapi loved it sebab its all worh it. Finally, baby. :)